New Book Deal Announcement! (and how a story goes from idea to signed book contract)

So this happened: That’s right, I have a new book deal! This book will be my YA debut, and the hardcover will be hitting shelves in Fall 2017. Here’s how this story happened: While I was on contract with Kensington and busily writing my three AB&T books, a germ of an idea occurred to me. […]

A Brilliant Deception is out!

So it’s been three weeks since my third book was released and I’m finally getting around to writing this post. It’s been a busy few weeks, clearly. Here are some of the things I’ve been working on: We’re running a giveaway on Goodreads right now–5 paperback copies of A BRILLIANT DECEPTION are available to be won! […]

10 Fabulous Books Set In Italy

Last year, I curated a list of my favorite books set in Paris. This year, I’m turning my attention to Italy. For one thing, my latest book (which comes out on June 23rd) is set in Venice. But also, because my family and I have just returned from a trip to Italy! It was so wonderful; […]

“Show, Don’t Tell”

It’s one of the most commonly cited pieces of advice for writers: show, don’t tell. But…what the heck does it mean? And how do you go about accomplishing it? Today, I’m going to dig into “show, don’t tell” and see if I can offer some clarity. Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint […]

6 Ways To Cultivate Your Writer’s Voice

Voice: so important for writers, yet so damn difficult to define. Agents and editors frequently say things like “I’m looking for a distinctive voice”, but they tend not to elaborate on what they mean, exactly. If you’re a novice writer, how do you begin to work on such an elusive quality if you don’t even […]


As an author, waiting for your cover can be a nail-biting experience. Covers are so important, yet most of the time we have little (to no) say in its design. My editor at Kensington is great–he always gives me the opportunity for input, and I usually make up a Pinterest page of ideas and comparables. Even still…you […]

7 Secrets To Writing Your First Draft

Just in time for NaNoWriMo I thought I’d do a post about how to write a first draft. Because let’s face it, first drafts are hard. It’s no secret, it’s not my favorite part of the process. I love the outlining/dreaming/planning stages, and I love the revising/shaping/polishing stages. The first draft stage? Not so much. But […]

How To Create Compelling Characters

  When you’re creating a character from scratch it’s a good idea to know her name, her hair color, and how she takes her coffee…but those elements are just the start. If you want to create truly compelling characters—the kind that leap off the page, the kind that really get into your readers’ bones—you’ll need […]

Thrillerfest 2014 Wrap-Up

The highlight of my July, hands down, was going to New York City for Thrillerfest. Before jetting off for NYC, I was pretty excited. Did it disappoint? It did not. The conference was held at the Grand Hyatt in New York, right next to Grand Central. Although I flew in, I popped into Grand Central […]

10 Fabulous Books Set In Paris

  Paris offers an incredible backdrop for all kinds of stories. Whether it’s a historical tale, a thriller, a romance…the city itself adds a wonderful element of, well, je ne sais quois. My second book is set in Paris, and it was pure pleasure to write a story set in a city I love so much. […]